Welcome to Foundation Matters

“Good things come to those who wait.”

We’ve waited a long time to update our website, so we hope this maxim holds true.

I can’t say the public has been clamoring for us to redesign it and there are thousands out there who are rejoicing that it is finally here.  I doubt there will be any mention of it on the local news.  It has been more of an internal desire here at United Dynamics to properly use the medium of the internet to let people know who we are and what we do.  We  have certainly had traffic at our previous website and it has directed people to us over the years, but the time had come (actually was past due!) to make it more pleasing to the eye and engaging to the mind.

So what do we hope you will notice at www.udipdi.com?

  • The site has a clean look.
  • The fact that United Dynamics, Inc. is the regional leader for residential and commercial foundation repair just as Perma Dry, Inc. is for waterproofing repair.
  • You can navigate the site instinctively using either the tabs and pull down menus or the Virtual House to find the issue where we can help you.
  • You can find out what your neighbors are saying about us on our Testimonial page where you can search by city, zip code or type of repair.
  • You can interact with United Dynamics, Inc. through networks like Facebook and Twitter, by emailing us through the Contact page or by simply picking up the phone and calling us at 812-282-2222 or 800-359-4471.

In the days ahead we will be adding more pictures and features so come back often.  Let us know what you think and if there are any ways that we might be able to improve the site even more.  Let’s just not do a complete redesign for a while, OK?

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(800) 359-4471

Thought you would like to know I had a fence company out to give me an estimate the same day you all were here. The representative told me you had done work for him and that you did great work and that I should know I was in good hands with your reputable business. Well done!

Amanda R.
Louisville, KY
