Foundation Settlement Solutions

cracks in a brick wall can indicate foundation settlement
The purpose of a foundation is to distribute the weight of a structure securely into the ground. Geotechnical engineering data regarding soil, rock, and water conditions are used to design foundations with structural integrity. When foundation failure does occur, it is usually the result of differential settlement or heaving of the soil that supports the foundation. In any instance, foundation repair is necessary to prevent further damage to your house or building. Not only this, but crack repair will prevent moisture and insects from entering your house.

Symptoms of a Settling Foundation:

The results of foundation settlement may be one or more of the following problems:

  • Windows and doors sticking
  • Roof or basement leaking
  • Bricks or walls cracking
  • Walls bowing, bulging or leaning
  • Drywall separating
  • Stair step cracks in masonry mortar joints
  • Space between wall baseboard and floors
  • Chimneys tilting or leaning
  • Garage leaning
  • Caulking tearing at windows or doors.

If you’ve noticed any of these indications of foundation settlement, your house may require foundation repair services (as well as crack repair services).

Causes of Foundation Settlement:

  • Drought conditions – Typical clay-based soils are susceptible to changes in moisture content. Wet conditions cause clay-based soils to expand. Dry conditions cause clay-based soils to contract. As soils contract, they pull away from the foundation allowing settlement to occur.
  • Undermining of the foundation – Poor drainage can cause soils to be eroded away allowing settlement to occur.
  • Sinkholes – A naturally occurring phenomenon resulting in the supporting soil under the foundation to collapse allowing settlement to occur.

Cures for a Settling Foundation:

Resistance Pier System:

United Dynamics, Inc. Resistance Piers are hydraulically advanced through soil to reach bedrock or load bearing strata. The steel pier transfers the weight of the building from the failing foundation system to the pier itself, thus preventing any future additional settlement. In some instances, lifting of the structure is possible allowing for the correction of problem doors or windows and the closure of existing cracks.

To facilitate the installation of the steel piers, our skilled crews will carefully excavate the failing foundation to properly prepare the footing for the acceptance of the steel bracket that attaches the pier to the structure. Once the bracket is installed, the crew will begin foundation repairs by advancing high strength steel tubing through a collar located on the bracket via a hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic pump. When refusal is reached, the bracket is then proof tested to verify its holding capacity and locked off to prevent any further movement of the structure.

Depending on the structure, minimal site disturbance should be expected during the course of the foundation repair procedure. Our trained crews take great pride in putting everything back in place whether it is mulch, shrubs, plants, sidewalks etc. They will also typically repair cracks in the masonry as well as retooling caulk joints that may need to be repaired.

Helical Pier System:

United Dynamics, Inc. Helical Piers are hydraulically advanced through soil to reach bedrock or load bearing strata. The helical pier technology utilizes foundation repair techniques allowing for a passive installation not dependent on the weight of the structure to drive the pier. To facilitate the installation of the steel piers, our skilled crews will carefully excavate the failing foundation to properly prepare the footing for the acceptance of the steel bracket that attaches the pier to the structure. Once the helical is installed, the crew will then mount the bracket to the steel helical, effectively transferring the load off of the failing foundation system to the helical pier. The bracket is then proof tested to verify its holding capacity and locked off to prevent any further movement of the structure.

Depending on the structure, minimal site disturbance should be expected during the course of the foundation repair procedure. Our trained crews take great pride in putting everything back in place whether it is mulch, shrubs, plants, sidewalks etc. They will also typically repair cracks in the masonry as well as retooling caulk joints that may need to be repaired.

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(800) 359-4471

Rocky was very nice and did a great job.

Chris T.
Prospect, KY
