Wet Basement Solutions

wall cracks can be a cause or a symptom of a wet basement

Water Can Infiltrate Your Basement in Many Ways:

Water will seek the path of least resistance. Cracks in your foundation allow for water intrusion in several key areas:

  • Where the floor and wall meet (cove joint)
  • Through cracks in poured concrete basement walls
  • Through joints in block basement walls
  • Through floor cracks
  • From tie wires or “honeycombed” concrete.

If you’ve experienced any of the above, your house may require basement waterproofing services.

Causes of Wet Basements:

  • Hydrostatic Pressure – High water table causes water intrusion in the cove joint, through cracks or seepage through block foundations.
  • Inadequate Grading or Drainage – Improper sloping forces ground water to be directed toward the structure rather than away as desired. Downspouts may also not be carrying water away from the foundation as needed.
  • Shrinkage/settlement cracks or tie wires – Water entry can occur through hairline cracks or other small openings such as tie wires or “honeycombed” concrete.

Basement Waterproofing Solutions:

Interior Drainage System

The Perma Dry system relieves hydrostatic pressure by collecting water under the floor before it enters the basement. It is then directed to a central location where a sump pump removes the water leaving the basement dry.

Wall Crack Repair

If your problem is not a result of hydrostatic pressure, Perma Dry utilizes other economical methods of crack repair, depending on the problem, to prevent the water from entering your basement. Contact us to learn more about our basement waterproofing services.

Get a free estimate!

(800) 359-4471

Your people were very good and polite when working. They did their best to tell us what they were doing and always tried to keep everything as clean and picked up as possible. Would recommend you to everyone that asks.

Craig W.
Mt. Vernon, IN
