First Official Weigh-In Shows Weight Off

The first mandatory weigh-in occurred this morning in the UDI “Biggest Loser” contest and the results are pretty impressive. Our five participants have shed a total of 45.8 pounds in just two weeks! At their current rate, all but one of them will reach their target weight when the contest ends with one missing it by less than a pound. Of course, this contest is a marathon, not a sprint (although a sprint at a local track might be interesting) so we will have to see if they can keep up the pace and keep off the pounds in the weeks ahead. The current standings are:

Howard -4.17%
Eric -4.12%
Phillip -3.28%
Sam -3.14%
Jeff -2.55%

If you have any advice or encouragement for our guys, I’m sure they would welcome it.

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John!! Way more than a salesman. He is the best team player and salesperson I know of. I was in retail sales for 55 years. Thanks.

Richard B.
Crestwood, KY
